Friday, February 3, 2012

King Tut or King Butt- Because i had a 'King Sized' Butt

Dunder Mifflin This is Pam,

Love my new job, first and foremost! -- Except two jobs blows so hard. Yesterday (Thursday) i worked for 16 straight hours which means....i woke up, left, came home, went to bed. No workout- and barely any food!
Today, i went straight to work, had a Luna bar for Lunch, and a sandwich with corn  on the cob for dinner. I fell asleep after work, after i awoke i cleaned my entire house, and made tie-backs for my curtains in my bedroom, finally i did some homework after that.
Saturday (today or tomorrow or whatever you want) i DONT HAVE TO WORK. So i can wake up and workout right away, and then spend the rest of the day, (after my shower of course) doing homework, because as i said, I'm super behind.
Anyway, i weighed in tonight- total pounds lost =12. However i want to focus more on inches, so we will see. -- Any tips on inches?


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gurton Buster

Oh hi ;)

Well, i have completely lost track over the last few days. I had the flu, got a new job, and got really behind on homework, so i suppose i will only be able to update you on today!
- This morning i had a grapefruit for breakfast, but i ate it as if it were an orange. For lunch, i had a 6" turkey sub with lettuce, spinach, onion, and pickles, for my work out- i did BBL's "Bum Bum" and "Tummy Tuck" followed by a declious bottle of water and delightful shower!
Now i'm typing it up. I haven't weighed in a few days, but i had the flu so, i don't feel bad about it.

I will weigh in again on Friday- so we will see.
I do know i have lost 9 more pounds than Sir Charles of Dakota Square though..
Hopefully that means an extra birthday present!

Tomorrow is iffy on the workout because i literally work from we will see what gets done..all i can promise is the healthy eating.

p.s i got some nice new glasses today- well i ordered them, they should be ready by Monday!!
Whoever sees them, i'm sure you will love them!

Finally: my spell check doesn't work, and I'm too lazy to fix anything! :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Ladies, and Charles.

-I didn't have much to write about because i was waiting on my BBL- Brazilian Butt Lift DVDs, and i finally got them on Tuesday!- It came with like 8 different work outs, a meal guide, a tape measure to track my progress, a resistance band for when im getting just too good at the work out, and even a pencil to fill in my inches of my arms, chest, stomach, hips and thighs!

Today was DAY 2 of my work out and holy...goodness was it hard! I did the "Beginner Basics" dvd, followed by, "Abs Rapido" and finally "Upper Cuts" -- even my neck was sweating. It was really hard, and showed me that i have NO upper body strength, so please don't even put me in a position where i would have to use it in the next 60 days!
For food today! i had tuna and pickles (p.s i HATE TUNA) but ya gotta do what you gotta do. I had around 30 ounces of water so far, but don't worry, my day is far from over. I am currently drinking a protein shake with like, 5 different kinds of fruit in it.
Yesterday- all i did was "Beginner Basics" because well.. it was my first day. I ate, Grapenuts, Tuna and Pickles, a grape fruit, and progresso soup!
-- Even though i have only been working out with this i feel like i already have more energy.
After my shower, i did some laundry, cleaned my bathroom, cleaned/ organized my kitchen, boiled some asparagus, and corn on the cob, covered some raw chicken in fresh lemon, and have it currently baking in my oven. --Pre-made meals are going to be so convenient.
My only trouble is-- I'm transitioning jobs (Finally) so tomorrow i get home from work at 8 am, sleep until about 2 or 3- do my homework, and then i work from 5pm-8am-- come home, go to bed, get up at noon and go to work from 1-5, then i will have to get more sleep before my FINAL overnight shift at 10pm- but Sunday, well Sunday i will have the day to do my homework, and workout, and finally get on track.
-Monday i will start my new job at 8 am-- so i can get up early at like 5 (gross) work out, shower, get ready- go to work, go tanning- come home and do homework, and be ready for bed!!
I can't much wait for Monday, and a normal person routine!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm almost so late, i'm early.

You GUYS!!!
I'm so, so sorry that i haven't posted in 90 years. Two jobs and full time student takes away my blogging promise occassionally.

Anyway!! I have only lost 2 pounds since my last post.
I attempted to join SNAP Fitness, but it was crazy expensive.

HOWEVER, since i spend my nights awake until 8 am, well there are amazing infomercials on, and i caved so hard for one of them.
Brazilian Butt Lift (i love saying it as well) anyway it targets your ass, and for me, my BASKETBALL SIZED LOVE HANDLES . it was only 60 dollars, and came with like 432894 DVD's- Cardio, abs, butt, and LOVEHANDLES... Seriously it's going to work, and they are only 30 minute workouts which is sooo so convenient. I feel very great about this buy.
Easter Hotness, here i come!
As for my food today: Diet Mountain Dew... :

p.s i got a new job, so my days are really turning around!!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Touche' Magic Hallway


I'm sooooo sleepy. I honestly don't get enough sleep which is apparently a huge factor in weight gain. Hopefully i can find a new job, with help from myself and my dad!
I woke up today at 3, brushed my teeth, did some homework and washed my face...and guess what! Time for work, so i grabbed a Luna bar on my way out the door, but just before i did that i weighed myself... lost 6 pounds in a week..i don't think that's too bad! However, it doesn't make me any less tired. I went out to eat with a client and ordered a diet-coke, which i might have lost my taste for. For food i ordered this gross cranberry-chicken salad. Dumb, everyone knows to order a Taco Salad.
I have had NO WATER TODAY, and my stomach is cramping like a bitch. However, i bought a 3 liter bottle of Ice Mountain Water, and can't wait to get started on it.

Non-the-less, I'm still fat! But hopefully it's temporary!

Okay bye! :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Holy Cow!
     Did you guys see all of the typing errors in my last blog...where are you spell-check?
Anyway, i didn't post yesterday because i had to work for 14.16 hours! and i had to sleep somewhere in there too! I did go tanning to be honest, and i got a little more red than i ever have before, but it feels good, and bad at the same time! As for a workout yesterday there was simply no time!
         Today however is a new day! I got about 10 minutes into my treadmill run when i short-circuited my apartment...oops. That's okay though, i have a new computer so i can do some ab work-outs at work tonight when my client is asleep! ...might hurt the sunburn though...I will bring lotion.
My food yesterday is as follows! -Breakfast: Protein shake with raspberries in it.
1TBSP, ice cream (i couldn't resist) Lunch- Salad with turkey, cheese, and egg on it. Dinner: Yoplait yogurt, and Progresso soup! Snack- Beef jerky (full of protein) and an apple!
Today's food so far- Luna bar!! (Soo delicious)

         I will be honest, I'm not doing as hot on the working out part so far, but it's hard. Hopefully tonight Jillian Michaels will kick my ass! *Weigh in is tomorrow! I'm kinda nervous but I'm hoping for about 5 pounds!

Wish me hot!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Doughy Physique

Part 2!

Hey Guys, well...
I ran a little today, but not a lot...I got off work later than I thoughtm and my treadmill in NOISEY, so i only ran for 15 minuts, at 4 miles an hour, incline at 3, and using 3 pound weights to tone my arms.
As for my food. I had a Luna bar today, followed by Progresso Soup, and A yoplait yogurt..and that's it! I'm confident that I will finish my 3 Liters of water as well today...
I feel pretty good!!

Bye until tomorrow!